CDD#4 Old School Encounters Reference
Version 3 Revised
Chapter I: Men
-NPC Assortments by Class (Clerics, Druids, Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, Magic-Users, Illusionists,Thieves, Assassins, Multi-Classed NPCs, Bards, Monks, Sages, 1st and O-level NPCs)
-NPC Details
-NPC Experience & Progression
-NPC Boons & Hinderances
-NPC Motivations
-Dealing with NPCs
-Standard Human Types (Bandits & Brigands, Berserkers, Border Patrols, Buccaneers & Pirates, Cavemen,Caravans, Dervishes & Nomads, Tribesmen, Guards & Watchmen,Pilgrims)
-NPC Adventuring Parties
-Spellbook Assortments (1st-18th+ Levels)
Chapter II: Demi-humans & Humanoids
-Humanoid Ability Scores
-Tribal Spellcasters
-Humanoid Groups (Bugbears, Centaurs, Gnolls, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Kobolds, Lizardmen, Locathah, Ogres, Orcs, Sahuagin, Troglodytes, Trolls, Xvarts)
-Demi-human Groups (Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, Mermen, Tritons)
Chapter III: The Underworld
-Dungeon & Cavern Mapping Symbols
-Wandering Monster Encounters (Dungeon Levels I~IX)
-Doors & Locks
-Gaols & Prisons
-Graves & Tombs
-Tricks & Traps
-Animated Statues
-Quests & Geases
Chapter IV: The Wilderness
-Terrain by Hex
-Random Encounters
-Random Encounters by Terrain Type (Arctic, Sub-Arctic, Temperate, Tropical)
-Dealing with Dragons
-Encounters at Sea (Freshwater, Saltwater)
-Extra-Planar Encounters
-On the Road
-Living Off the Land
-Druidic Places
Chapter V: Settlements & Civilizations
-Inns & Taverns
-Markets & Bazaars
-Schools & Training Halls
-Shops & Structures
-Shrines & Temples
-Underworld Guilds
Chapter VI: Treasures
-Treasure Assortments by Level (Dungeon Levels I~IX)
-Treasure Assortments by Type(Types A~Y)
-Miscellaneous Treasures
-Quick & Weird Magic Items
Chapter VII: The Campaign
-Adventure Design
-Friends & Foes
-Exotic Times & Places
-Deities & Demigods
-Arcane Magic
Chapter VIII: Forms & Appendices
-Appendix A Dice Conventions & Ranges
-Appendix B Bibliography & Sources
-Record Forms
Hopefully this'll get sorted out soon.
You have saved me a gross amount of effort, and I'll certainly give you credit as often as possible.
Sorry I came to this so late, but glad to have it now!
Thank you VERY much!
It's linked on the Right Hand Side of the page ~ 1/4 of the way down.
However, something seems to have gone wrong with the PDF's for CDD #3 & #4. The titles are all mushed together and crappy-looking. I think the font may not be embedded. Any chance you could update those?
Many thanks to you Kellri, the netbooks have been indispensable in my 'lab' and at my table.